Enhancing Security for Industrial Radiography Mobile Services
EIS partners with industry, government, and law enforcement to enhance the security of high-activity radioactive sources. The Mobile Source Transit Security (MSTS) system provides enhanced protection for radiography sources.
Radioactive sources used in industry could pose a risk if lost or stolen.
An act of radiological terrorism could cause significant economic and social damage to industry and the broader community. Lost or stolen sources can incur extensive financial costs and reputational impacts.
Eagle Integrated Services licensed technology from the Department of Energy National Laboratories to develop the MSTS system to increase the situational awareness of these sources while in storage, transit, or use in the field. The MSTS system provides near real-time monitoring of the mobile source location and status and can provide early notification of theft or loss.
Eagle Integrated Services deploys a system that is cost effective and easy to integrate into existing operations. Tracking and tamper features are built into the radiography camera itself. The system can be integrated with the storage location, referred to as the home base site security system, allowing the operator to monitor sources as they are checked in and out of storage, and view alerts and alarms when the source’s location differs from its expected location.
Benefits of the MSTS system include:
- Event Driven Alarms
- Radiation Monitoring to confirm presence of source
Tamper Detection
- Tracking/Location
- Cellular Communications
- Low Maintenance
- Low Cost
Mobile Source Transit Security
The Industrial Radiography MSTS system includes the following components:
Persistent Monitoring Tag (PM-Tag): Integrated into the radiography device jacket or bolted onto the device, the PM-Tag communicates alerts and/or alarms via Bluetooth to a Secure Transport Box in the transport vehicle or via cellular communications to the data cloud. The PM-Tag includes a solid-state radiation detector to detect the presence of the source within the device and a tamper detection on the PM-Tag housing.
Secure Transport Box (STB): Padlocked to a mounting plate inside the transport vehicle, the STB is where the radiography device is stored. The STB charges the PM-Tag through Qi wireless charging technology and maintains Bluetooth connection to the PM-Tag to monitor the presence of the source. The STB communicates status and alerts via the MSTS system’s telematics cellular communications.
Persistent Monitoring Tag Charging Mat
(PM-Mat): The PM-Mat provides a docking station at the home base for the radiography device and PM-Tag while in storage.